Procedure following a death

What to do in case of a death?

  1. Call the doctor of the deceased to organise a Medical Cause of Death Certificate.
  2. If the deceased passed away in a nursing home and a doctor is not available to issue the Medical Cause of Death Certificate, a Registered Nurse can issue a Life Extinction Form. This will allow the Chevra Kadisha to transfer the deceased to their premises, however, a doctor’s Medical Cause of Death Certificate will still be required to be arranged before the burial can take place.
  3. In the case of a death requiring the Coroner  (i.e. sudden death, death after/during an operation or if a doctor is unavailable) please print out and sign the Objection to Post-Mortem form found below and Email or FAX to the NSW coroner or give the form to the Police.
    Objection to Post-Mortem form
  4. When the Medical Cause of Death Certificate is ready please call and notify the Sydney Chevra Kadisha immediately on 9363-2248  – 24 hours a day 7 days of the week .
  5. If it is a shabbat or high holiday, please follow the answering machine prompts.  You will be redirect to a non Jewish Funeral Home working on the Chevra Kadisha’s behalf, who will organise the transportation of the deceased to the Chevra Kadisha premises.  At the Chevra Kadisha premises there is a Shomer (watchman) organised. The Chevra Kadisha will contact you at the end of Shabbat or High Holiday to make the funeral arrangements.
  6. At the funeral arrangement meeting you will be asked various questions. In order to ensure the meeting is productive please complete the Funeral Plan Form to the best of your ability (or print and complete the PDF version of the form) and bring it to the meeting.