The Sydney Chevra Kadisha was founded in 1817 to fulfill the sacred obligation of attending, in accordance with Jewish Law, to Jewish Persons who pass away.
From the time of passing away the major obligation is to show Kavod (honour) to the Met (deceased person). This Sanctity remains even after the soul departs from the body and everything is done for this purpose commencing with a Shomer (Watcher) in attendance from the time of passing away until burial.
While staff are employed, the obligations of preparation for burial are attended to, in this “Chesed Shel Emet” (genuine kindness), on an honorary basis by observant men and women of the Sydney community.
Sydney Chevra Kadisha services are available 24 hours a day to attend to residents of Sydney who have passed away, locally and/or overseas and wish to be interred in Sydney together with persons who pass away in Sydney and wish to be interred overseas or other parts of Australia.
The Sydney Chevra Kadisha provides and attends to all funeral arrangements and services. The following are also provided :
- Shomrim (Watchers) until burial.
- Siddurim for Services including Shiva.
- Aron Kodesh (Heihal) for Shiva Services in the house of mourning.
- Payment arrangements for Funeral charges where necessary.
- Booklets of Guides for Mourners, Visiting the Cemetery, Consecrations etc.
- Yahrzeit ( Hilula) notification etc.
- Memorial plaques